Posted by Capital Sound on 5/10/2015 to
DIY Tips and Tricks
When you own something that you value, like the great artwork on the wall, the sweet car in the garage or the manicured backyard, you want to keep them clean and well-maintained, so you can enjoy them even longer the same way you did when they were new. If you're like us, and refuse to compromise when it comes to your home theatre system, your audio and video equipment is right up there on the list.
For most of your equipment, the key to getting a longer service life is simple. Keep it dust-free and use it properly. However, when it comes to speakers, it is even more important to do a periodic cleaning of your speakers. Now, depending on what type of speaker you have, and which materials are used in the construction of the speaker, your methods of cleaning are going to vary. If you're rocking any of the Klipsch Reference speakers, your job is a little easier, due to the materials used in the horns and the woofers. Regardless of which speakers you own, the following is a general guide to keeping your speakers clean.
The Cabinet
The cabinet, or speaker housing, is the easiest part of a speaker to keep clean. For most models with either a wood or plastic cabinet, you can use a mild soap and water on a soft cotton cloth for the exterior areas, and then either open windows to get an air flow going in the room with your speakers, or use a small fan if no natural breeze is available. For the interior of the cabinet, use a small handheld Dustbuster-type vacuum to gently remove any dust that might have gotten through the grille. Where exposed areas of the interior cabinet aren't directly in contact with the speaker's components, you can use an anti-static cloth, or the same type of soft cloth as you do for the exterior, but without the water and detergent.
The Horns, Woofers and Other Components
There is a simple rule of thumb when dealing with the materials that make up the "guts" of a stereo speaker. If the horn, woofer or other part is made of paper or other porous material, keep any liquids away. For most of the internal parts, you can use the Dustbuster vacuum to remove the dust, and Q-tips or cotton balls to clean the materials. In most cases, the internal speaker components won't need much cleaning, just a visual inspection for any damage or other issues, and the occasional touch-up cleaning to keep things looking brand new.
Live Long and Prosper
The goal of any equipment maintenance plan is to extend the life of that equipment, so having the discipline to do it regularly is important. With just a little time, your speakers can give you many years of outstanding performance, and we know that performance is another one of those things you value so much.
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