You've tried so hard to keep up with all of the modern trends. You threw away your corduroys, you even stopped listening to disco; well, except when you're by yourself in the car and no one can see you. Your old 8-track tapes are tucked away in a box in your garage, and let's not even talk about that parted-in-the-middle hairstyle you used to be so proud of. You've moved on, and your world is so much better because of it.

So why are you still using a DVD player?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, DVDs are not high definition. They try pretending that they are, but even if you play a DVD on your HD TV, you still aren't watching high definition. It's time, my friend, for you to join the rest of us in the 21st Century and get a Blu-ray player.

What is Blu-ray?

Blu-ray is a digital optical disc format that has been around for over a decade now. It can store much more data than a traditional (read old-fashioned) DVD, and unlike DVDs, they can play movies in glorious 1080p high definition. Blu-rays are the same size as DVDs, and they get their name from the fact that the disc is read by a blue laser. For any modern home theater system, a top quality Blu-ray player is pretty much a necessity.

How to Choose the Right Blu-ray Player

First off, don't be swayed by the cheap little Blu-ray players you see on the department store shelves. Sure, they work, but unless you live in a cave or a cardboard box, you deserve a higher standard of entertainment. The key to choosing the right Blu-ray player is by determining which of the myriad available features is important to you. You have plenty of options, but a few of the really cool features available are:

* BD-Live - You know all of those great movies and videos you stream online? With a BD-Live Blu-ray player, you can stream Netflix, video games and all of the other awesome internet media directly to your TV.

* 3D Capability - You know you love 3D movies, even if you leap halfway out of your seat every time the villain appears from behind the tree, swinging his axe. Having 3D at home is pretty sweet, and you can always vacuum the popcorn out of the couch cushions when you're done.

* USB Ports - Being able to bring home media on a flash drive or memory card and plugging it right into your Blu-ray player is the ultimate in convenience.

So, now that you have a clearer picture - HD, even - of what you've been missing, you really don't have any excuse not to upgrade your vintage DVD player to a new, sleek cutting-edge Blu-ray player. Movie nights will never be the same again!

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