Our 30-day price guarantee lets you shop with confidence

Whenever you shop with us, you’re covered by our 30-day price guarantee. Here’s how it works: if within 30 days of your capitalsound.ca purchase, you see that we’ve discounted the price of the item you ordered, let us know while that lower price is in effect and we’ll refund the difference. Just contact Customer Support at [email protected] or 1-613-884-8809 while the lower price is in effect. Our price guarantee does not apply to: welcome bonus, coupon offers, free-with-purchase offers, bundled items, items from our Clearance Section, refurbished items, or mail-in rebates, Black Friday and Cyber Monday week and Boxing Week Sales.

20% Price Match Guarantee

At capitalsound.ca, we go the extra mile to ensure you get the best price. If you find a lower advertised price from an authorized Canadian reseller that adheres to the manufacturer's MAP and UAP policies, we’ll not only match it but also beat it by refunding 20% of the price difference!

Exclusions: The Price Match Guarantee is not available during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Week, or other designated promotional events.

How it works:

  • 1. You find a lower price than our listed price.
  • 2. You send us an email, enter the Model number of the item, the link to the competitor's website, the competitor's price and your email address(if you are not logged in)
  • 3. We review the PriceMatch request.
  • 4. Once the review is over, we email you back with a promotional code.
  • 5. You use that promotional code while checking out, make payment and complete transaction.
  • 6. Successful PriceMatch with capitalsound.ca
  • Guidelines and Rules:

  • PriceMatch is only available on product sold by a Canadian Store.
  • PriceMatch is only available on product sold by an authorized distributor of the brand/product.
  • We will PriceMatch and also give you the same offer, for example, Competitor #1 has Item1 at $159.00 + Free Shipping, will offer $159.00 + Free Shipping, we do a CompleteMatch, not only the price.
  • Your Request Must include a link directing us directly to the item itself or a PDF flyer.
  • We reserve the right to refuse to match for any reason whatsoever.
  • We reserve the right to de-activate the promotional code after it's been given if improper use or abuse of the system/website.
  • We reserve the right to cancel, change or alter this promotion at anytime without written notice.
  • If you have any questions, do not hesistate email us at [email protected]


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